Ian, Kim, Russell and William join the team
Four new members of ApconiX as the team goes from strength to strength
Four new members of ApconiX as the team goes from strength to strength
Dr Michael Morton, Professor Ruth Roberts and Dr Richard Knight flew to Sweden to celebrate the opening of ApconiX AB in Gothenburg by sharing coffee and cake (fika) with our fellow tenants in the BioVentureHub. Experienced toxicologists Drs Steffen Ernst and Björn Dahl, who are based at the new Swedish office, joined the three Directors [...]
ApconiX is delighted to welcome two new members of the team
The team grows to 16-strong, providing an immense depth and breadth of knowledge to the field of nonclinical safety toxicology and ion channel electrophysiology.
ApconiX wins BioNow Start-Up of the Year Award 2017.
ApconiX announce an alliance with PhysioStim based in France, creating a new Centre of Excellence dedicated to cardiac safety offering a range of services in nonclinical cardiovascular electrophysiology.
ApconiX welcomes its first employee.
The U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon George Osborne visits ApconiX.
New office and laboratory opened by Professor Graham Boulnois with guests Prof Lewis Smith, Chris Doherty and Prof Iain Purchase
ApconiX starts trading.