Meet The Team

Professor Ruth Roberts
A co-founder of ApconiX, Ruth has 25 years of experience in leading roles in drug safety within large pharma. Ruth is also Chair and Director of Drug Discovery at The University of Birmingham, UK and was previously Global Head of Regulatory Safety at AstraZeneca. With over 180 publications in peer-reviewed journals, she is former president of the British Toxicology Society, former president of EUROTOX, former secretary to SOT and President of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. Ruth was the recipient of the SOT Achievement award in 2002, the EUROTOX Bo Holmstedt Award in 2009, the SOT Founders award in 2018 for outstanding leadership in toxicology and the ATS 2022 ‘Millie’ award for lasting impact on translational science. Ruth is an established science professional bringing rigorous expert thinking to toxicology, drug discovery and drug development.