Celebrating the Link Between hERG and Whiskey

We’ll be at the SOT 2023 62nd Annual Meeting from the 19th to 23rd of March and ToxExpo from the 20th to the 22nd March in Nashville, Tennessee. Come and help us celebrate the link between hERG and whiskey at our Booth #1026.
hERG and Whiskey
We’ll be giving away ApconiX whiskey shot glasses to anyone who comes to our booth and can tell us about the connection between whiskey and hERG (and to make it a bit easier for everyone scroll down to the bottom of this blog and we’ll tell you the story*).
And because it’s Easter soon there’ll be a little surprise in every glass.
We’re also going to give one lucky person every day of the ToxExpo the opportunity to fill their shot glass with whiskey. Come and have your business card scanned at Booth #1026 and we’ll have a prize draw at the end of each day and select a winner of a bottle of whiskey. And yes, you can come back and see us every day we’re there and we won’t turn you away.
We’ll be playing Drug Development Snakes and Ladders and we have a couple of new games this year; De-risk This! and Portfoli-oh! We’ll also have a special guest and some excellent bags to give away.
The ApconiX Team Will Be There to Welcome You
Professor Ruth Roberts, Dr Richard Knight, Dr Laurence Bishop, Dr James Sidaway, Dr Claire Sadler, Dr Kimberly Rockley, Pauline Garner and Dr Craig Thomas will all be there to welcome you. Ruth is giving a number of presentations and Kim and James are both presenting posters.
The hERG Story
*hERG is the name of a human gene and stands for human ether-a-go-go related gene. The name is based on homology to a gene found in the Drosophila melanogaster that was named ether-a-go-go (eag) because of the ether-induced leg shaking observed in flies with mutations in this gene. Ether-a-go-go was named in the 1960s by William D. Kaplan and William E Trout III when they worked at the Department of Biology, City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California. The shaking legs of the flies was compared to the dancing at the famous Whisky a Go Go nightclub on West Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood.